Effective September 2018, the Payroll office implemented a secure online international tax compliance software called Foreign National Information System (FNIS), to collect and maintain data to determine your nonresident alien vs. resident alien status for tax purposes. Once you receive a payment from the University of Michigan, either though the Payroll office or Student Financial Services (SFS), you will receive an email from the Payroll office requesting your data for the proper withholding of taxes and reporting of your payments. In that email you will be able to login to the Foreign National Information System (FNIS) to enter this information. Based on the information entered tax forms will be sent to you to complete and submit to the University of Michigan Payroll office. The payments you receive are taxed based on the information entered in the FNIS software.
Without this information, the Payroll office will automatically withhold Federal /State income taxes and social security and Medicare (FICA) taxes from payments processed through Payroll and Federal income tax from payments processed through SFS.
Email any questions to the Payroll Tax Section at tax.payroll@umich.edu