Other Services

Other Services

Unmanned aircraft systems

Unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, are an integral part of a variety of research, educational and operational activities at the University of Michigan. Below is information on U-M’s policy regarding drone flights and the process for obtaining permission to fly them, whether on or off U-M property, including the UM-Flint and UM-Dearborn campuses. In addition to reviewing proposed drone operations for the safety of persons on the ground, this oversight process includes assessments of airspace issues and notices to FAA Air Traffic Control facilities in order to avoid interference with piloted flights. Students, faculty and staff seeking to fly drones in any airspace—on or off campus—are advised to comply with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration.


The University of Michigan (U-M) supports the safe and responsible use of unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS,” also known as unmanned aerial vehicles or drones) in the course of research and educational activities and other endeavors in the pursuit of the U-M mission. Insurance and Claims Administration administers the review and approval process for drones operated by anyone on U-M property, and by U-M faculty, students and staff when engaged in U-M activities off of U-M property.

The minimum requirements for approval of outdoor use of drones by anyone on U-M property, and by U-M faculty, students and staff when engaged in U-M activities off of U-M property are the following:

  • Obtain an FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certification. Prior to submitting the application, the remote pilot-in-command (rPIC) should have their FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certification (issued after passing the FAA Part 107 Knowledge Test).
  • Submit a fully completed UAV Application and Attestation of Compliance (see link below) to fin-riskmgmt.general@umich.edu at least two weeks (14 calendar days) ahead of your planned flight date. Incomplete applications will be returned, delaying the approval timeline.

Outdoors on U-M Property
Outdoor use of UAS by anyone from, on, or over the U-M Ann Arbor, Dearborn, or Flint campuses or other U-M property is generally prohibited, unless permitted through a waiver of Regents Ordinance Article XVI or otherwise exempted from that Article under Section 5. The process for obtaining a waiver is initiated through submission of an application to Insurance and Claims Administration. After review of the application and any supplemental information provided or requested, Insurance and Claims Administration will issue its recommendation to the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (EVP-CFO) or designee, or the respective Chancellor or designee, who can either accept or reject Insurance and Claims Administration’s recommendation. If the EVP-CFO, Chancellor, or designee issues a waiver, it will be valid for a specific use and time period. If the EVP-CFO, Chancellor, or designee declines to issue a waiver, the use will be prohibited.

Indoors on U-M Property
Indoor use of a drone on U-M property does not require an application or waiver, but may only occur in a University space or building that has established policies and procedures to permit the safe operation of drones, and only with permission from the building manager. Building managers should refer to the Indoor Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Guideline issued by EHS for assistance in setting policies and procedures for their location. Insurance and Claims Administration reserves the right to review U-M building policies on drone use for adequacy.

Off U-M Property
If a drone is to be operated off U-M property by U-M faculty, staff, or students in connection with a UM-sanctioned activity, this use must be approved through the application process. Insurance and Claims Administration will not consider an application until written permission from the Operating Site Property Owner and/or manager is obtained and submitted for review. After review of the application and any supplemental information provided or requested, Insurance and Claims Administration will either approve or deny the requested permission. If Insurance and Claims Administration grants permission, it will be valid for a specific use and time period. If Insurance and Claims Administration denies the request, the use will be prohibited.

Insurance and Claims Administration does not have authority with respect to off-property uses by those unaffiliated with U-M, or by U-M community members for personal uses or other uses unconnected with any U-M activities.


FAA Authorizations
All University faculty, staff, students and visitors who intend to operate UAS outdoors under this policy must, as a condition of approval under this policy, demonstrate compliance with 14 CFR Part 107 (Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems). All University faculty, staff, students and visitors operating UAS must comply with all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations, as well as other federal, state and local laws.

Pre-flight notification requirements for Ann Arbor campus:
Notify U-M Survival Flight dispatch and U-M Department of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) of your planned operations 24 hours in advance AND a minimum of 2 hours in advance and provide Survival Flight with a cell phone number for contact of the team during the activity. Contact U-M Survival Flight and U-M DPSS immediately if you lose control of a drone and it "flies away."

  • U-M Survival Flight: 734-936-6035
  • U-M DPSS: 734-763-1131 

Post-flight reporting requirement:
If any adverse incidents are experienced during the flight, including any rPIC loss of visual line-of-sight, please complete the Flight Log Report within two days and forward it to Insurance and Claims Administration.


Penalties for unsafe or unauthorized use of UAS by faculty, students, staff or visitors to the U-M Ann Arbor campus may include the criminal and/or civil penalties described in Article XV of the Regents’ Ordinance. Penalties for unsafe or unauthorized use of UAS on the UM-Dearborn or UM-Flint campuses, or on other U-M property, may include criminal and/or civil penalties under other applicable law. In addition, in either case, individuals may also be subject to discipline under other applicable institutional policies. Finally, the IASC can recommend loss of flying privileges under this policy for a year upon the first transgression, and a permanent loss of flying privileges upon a repeat transgression.


Regents’ Ordinance Article XVI
University of Michigan Policy on the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
UAV Application and Attestation of Compliance
FAA Drone Use Regulations and Guidance
U-M EHS Indoor Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Guideline


If you have any further questions, please contact fin-riskmgmt.general@umich.edu

Certificates of Insurance

  • Certificates are provided by Insurance and Claims Administration.
  • To obtain evidence of insurance, a written request and a copy of the contract, if applicable, must be sent to Insurance and Claims Administration.
  • Required information includes:
    • To whom the certificate is to be issued.
    • A description of the activity for which the certificate is needed, including purpose, location and time period.
    • The type of insurance for which proof is required.
    • Medical Professional Liability (non-university locations) requires prior written approval of the director or department chair.
    • If proof of coverage with claims history is required for Medical Professional Liability, requests should be submitted to the Office of Clinical Safety.

Children on Campus

Insurance and Claims Administration is charged with the responsibility of providing guidance and oversight for compliance with the University’s Policy on Minors Involved in University Sponsored Programs or Programs Held in University Facilities (SPG 601.34).

Available resources include:

  • Program registration
  • Training
  • Toolkits
  • Template participant forms
  • Criminal background screening

Refer to http://childrenoncampus.umich.edu/ for more information or contact Insurance and Claims Administration for more information and assistance.

Confidential Tip Line

  • This program provides cash rewards for information leading to the prevention of loss to university assets due to illegal acts.
  • Information can be reported anonymously and rewards are confidential.
  • Anonymous tips should be made to the Department of Public Safety and Security.

Contract Review

Procurement Services has the delegated authority to sign contracts. Departments and their employees are not authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the university, regardless of the dollar amount. Doing so makes the individual personally liable for all commitments, monetary and otherwise. Exceptions include lease agreements. Insurance and Claims Administration works with Procurement and the Office of the General Counsel to review all contracts, indemnification and hold harmless agreements.

Disability Management

Insurance and Claims Administration provides assistance to employees suffering from occupational and non-occupational injuries and illnesses by coordinating services through the Work Connections Employee-Centered Illness and Injury Program. Work Connections was developed by the University of Michigan to assist and support employees and departments when employees experience an illness or injury, during the subsequent recovery, and through successful return to work. Services are available to all faculty and non-student staff of the University of Michigan for work-related or non-work-related illness or injury.

We work with other available programs and services to ensure that employees and supervisors have convenient and centralized access to a wide variety of resources and support. Among other things, the Work Connections team coordinates the services of health care providers and other professionals to promote recovery as well as to ensure appropriate return-to-work support is in place.

The services offered by Work Connections are available to assist with all Workers’ Disability Compensation (work-related injuries and illnesses) cases and for any personal medical condition when absence will be for 10 days or more. The services offered by Work Connections are always free.

Refer to http://www.workconnections.umich.edu/

Insurance Premium Recharges

  • Insurance premiums for each type of insurance coverage are recharged to auxiliary university departments.
  • The premium recharged consists of premiums paid to commercial insurers, actuarially projected losses (based on the university’s loss experience, and Insurance and Claims Administration's operating expenses.
  • The recharge methodology varies depending on the type of insurance.

Loss Control

Insurance and Claims Administration attempts to identify loss potential and coordinate preventive measures to correct areas of concern. Expert assistance such as external consultants, work-site assessments and safety engineers can be arranged. In addition, Insurance and Claims Administration works closely with other departments to provide education, training, and assessment of areas at risk. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to bring dangerous situations to our attention.

Loss Information

  • Insurance and Claims Administration maintains a computer database which records claim information on all insurance coverages.
  • Departmental summary and analytical reports containing claims information are available upon request.
  • Contact Insurance and Claims Administration to request loss information.

Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration (MIOSHA)

  • Under MIOSHA regulations, all employers are required to log designated work-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Insurance and Claims Administration (Work Connections) compiles and maintains this log based on information from injury reports submitted by supervisors.
  • Any requests for viewing this log by MIOSHA representatives must be directed to the Occupational Safety and Environmental Health Office (OSEH), Safety Building and Environmental Management Office, or Insurance and Claims Administration (Work Connections).
  • A yearly summary of departmental injuries is compiled and distributed by Insurance and Claims Administration (Work Connections) to all departments. This summary must be posted from February 1 - April 30.

Tenants and Users Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP)

  • This coverage was designed by the University Insurance and Claims Administration Insurance Association (URMIA) to provide low-cost general liability insurance to users of university facilities. It protects both the Facility User (renter) and the university against claims by others who may be injured or have property damage as a result of participating in an event.
  • This is a web based program. Costs are based upon the risk and duration of the activity.
  • For further information contact Insurance and Claims Administration or https://tulip.ajgrms.com/